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Advanced Eye Examinations with Digital Retinal Photography

We believe that a simple ‘sight test’ isn’t enough for something as precious as your eyes. Our Advanced eye examination go over and beyond a basic ‘NHS examination’.

You can expect the highest quality care utilizing hospital level equipment as standard, with no hidden extras.

We have invested in a  very specialised digital retinal camera to take a detailed digital image of the back of the eye (the Retina) and helps us to detect eye diseases earlier than a traditional test.

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We protect
your eye

It can spot early signs of:

  • Macula conditions including Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes – by detecting Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Hypertension
These conditions can lead to serious health problems including partial loss of vision or blindness and often develop without warning and progress with no symptoms. The retinal image makes it possible to detect these conditions at an early stage, whist it is easier to treat. We encourage all our patients to take advantage of our Advanced Eye Examination with digital retinal eye exam.

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